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A search for 'Yellow Rose' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
14 matches in composers
  1. Earl Rose
  2. Bert Rosé
  3. Rose McDowall
  4. Gene Rose
  5. Gordon Rose
  6. Andrew Rose
  7. Timo Rose
  8. Fred Rose
  9. Tania Rose
  10. Billy Rose
  11. William Rose
  12. David Rose
  13. A. Patrick Rose
  14. Jessica Rose Weiss

2726 matches in tracks
  1. The yellow rose of Texas (00:00)
    from Rio Bravo
    Yellow rose of Texas / Roy Rogers
  2. The yellow rose of Texas (00:00)
    from My Rifle, My Pony And Me
    Yellow rose of Texas / Roy Rogers
  3. The Yellow Rose Of Texas (01:43)
    from Sette Dollari Sul Rosso
    from Sette Dollari Sul Rosso
    from Quella Sporca Storia Nel West
  6. The Yellow Rose Of Texas (#2) (01:08)
    from Sette Dollari Sul Rosso
  7. Yellow Rose of Texas (01:23)
    from Texas Rising
  8. Andante For Orchestra (00:00)
    from Holdridge Conducts Holdridge
    from "The Yellow Rose"
  9. Andante For Orchestra (00:00)
    from Jonathan Livingston Seagull
    from "The Yellow Rose"
  10. Andante For Orchestra (00:00)
    from Eagle and the Hawk, the
    from "The Yellow Rose"
  11. Andante For Orchestra (00:00)
    from Hit!
    from "The Yellow Rose"
  12. The Yellow Rose of Texas (music box) (01:28)
    from Life And Times Of Judge Roy Bean, The
  13. Fight Scene (The Yellow Rose Of Texas) (00:00)
    from Giant
  14. The Yellow Rose Of Texas (00:00)
    from Tribute To James Dean, A
    From "Giant" (1956)
  15. The Yellow Rose Of Texas (00:00)
    from East Of Eden
    From "Giant" (1956)
  16. The Yellow Rose Of Texas (00:00)
    from Giant
    From "Giant" (1956)
  17. The Yellow Rose Of Texas (00:00)
    from Rebel Without A Cause
    From "Giant" (1956)
  18. Fight Scene (The Yellow Rose Of Texas) (02:20)
    from Giant
  19. Fight Theme (The Yellow Rose of Texas) (02:21)
    from Giant
  20. The Yellow Rose Of Texas (00:00)
    from Tribute To James Dean, A
    From "Giant" (1956)
Show all 2726 matching tracks